Friday, October 13, 2017

N is for Nature Reserve

Owasco Flats Nature Reserve

Love is a sacred reserve of energy;
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

More interpretations at ABC Wednesday.

More interpretations at Skywatch Friday.


  1. I love trees with bare branches, they are so artistic against a lighter sky. I'm so luck I can live in a natural setting on a lake. This time of year we have it all to ourselves and a few work boats going to logging areas. All the other cabin owners are missing out on the best time of the year. - Margy

  2. Wonderful... we should take more/better care of it, don't we?

    Have a splendid, ♥-warming ABC-WEDNES-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. Beautiful! I love any body of water.
